Famosos que son magos: #1 - Richard Branson

Con este "post" inauguro una nueva serie de artículos acerca de "famosos que son magos". No estan en ningun orden en particular. Empiezo con Richard Branson.

R. Branson (o mejor dicho, "Sir" Richard Branson) es un billonario ingles relativamente famoso,  conocido por ser dueño de la empresa "Virgin Records", productora de discos de musica, y tambien por ser un millonario "cool", con estilo y filosofia de vida. Alguien que no se "cree" demasiado a pesar del dinero que tiene.

Es mago.

Por lo menos, aficionado a la magia.

Aunque segun el, solo sabe hacer un truco. Pero uno bastante bueno.

Veamos la anecdota contada por Steve Spill, mago estadounidense conocido:

In 1995 I did a penthouse show for Richard Branson and about fifty of his cronies the night before his Virgin Megastore opening in NYC. After the show I got to spend about ten minutes alone with the man. He revealed that he was an amateur magician himself, but confessed he had only one bit that he actually performs once in a while – the wristwatch steal with a hypnosis presentation – a skill that at the time had recently proved to be a valuable asset. Here now, in almost all of his own words, is the story Richard Branson related to me that night.
“It was in France at Airbus. I was there to close a Virgin deal we’d negotiated to be the first to acquire a fleet of new breed jumbo jets. As the executives were assembling, I asked the CEO if he thought it was possible that I could hypnotize him. This gentleman had a no-nonsense no sense of humor reputation, so my assumption was his response would be no. He not only said no, he stated emphatically that he didn’t even believe there was such a thing as real hypnosis.
So I proposed a little one-sided wager. A crowd had collected around us by the time I said to the chief, ‘If I can hypnotize you right now, and if you truly believe you’ve been hypnotized, – give me a three million dollar discount on our deal.’ Everyone was dead silent while I did my wristwatch steal, under the guise of pretending to hypnotize the boss. Long story short, he was taken by surprise, completely fooled, and the wristwatch steal earned me three million dollars.”


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